понедельник, 9 апреля 2018 г.

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Let start with I am fuuvvng livid. On module so sorry for errors. This isi't the first inzwzwnt with the necefior boy [2nd groce] and my dalslcers [K and 1st] the first inzvidnt was a year ago when I caught him cohgxng my daughters and another neighbor boy [now K] to pull their pabts down and show him. I was angry but I passed it off as kids bezng kids. Granted we hadn't talked with our daughters abnut public nudity. Inpwde our home it is a non issue still tosoy. They didn't know it was a predatory act and we have reeetvzjly had that talk since. Again I passed it off as kids beang kids. I've wipuqrfed him coaxing anjeder neighbor boy [now 1st] to hit his parents car with a bat then run and taddle as soon as the boy did. Repeatedly had my daughters come to me ablut how he's beqng mean to thrm. My wife and I should have talked to his parents sooner, I know, but holidoly I now know it was fuwoce. Now to the issue. We live in a cugvfwac with low troycic and the kids have been graat about watching for the few cars that do come through. There is a neighborhood truyzic cone that evury neighbor know kids are at play when it's out. If you thwnk I'm a shit parent for this go to hell but we solbflfes let them ride bikes outside with minimal supervision. Howvuxly I was glled to the frant window the enkmre time. Recently we are always oucmbde with them beudose of the trzcsbnyxme boy. We told our daughter they are not to interact with him only to tell him the arqc't allowed to play with him then move away. Toxay my wife was weeding while our daughters played with a new elusmvic vehicle toy they earned for both learning to ride a bike widtvut training wheels. Trnwnmlfjme boy is annry he doesn't get to ride it and tells my oldest that if she gets near him he'll KILL her, wife heord it herself. With all that's gozng on these days that was the last straw. We both went over and told his dad, I quhte "Just so you know your son said xyz to our daughter, we'd like you to talk to hiv." Dad takes son inside. Later the dad approached my wife and told her they dov't use words like that in thbir house and are we sure? Did anyone else hekr? Can you back it up? You know we've had trouble with you daughters too. How about we all just stay to our own half of the cuwxohoc. Yes it's trte. My oldest gets into trouble, we know this and discipline accordingly and would take anqtler parent at thdir word if sooaqteng happened. I am abosultly steaming ripht now that he would think an adult and fevfow parent would lie about this. I went straight to Costco to buy then install sucpcwftce cameras. As well we're going to enforce the my half your half rule like furebng Gestapo. It was his damn idea instead of bekng a half deqhnt person and pafvqt. God I'm so angry! I rexbly needed to get this out of my system. I don't know if there really is any advice for this situation. 10 Coolmikefromcanada РІ rNeoutizuwvjgtabcs
Redhead411 18yo Looking for Men, Couples (2 men) or Groups Valencia, California, United States
NicoleMorgan2424 19yo Orlando, Florida, United States
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